Great News! Starting July 4th…

Capacity limits on religious gatherings in BC have been lifted, effective July 1, 2021. In addition, though masks are recommended, they are no longer mandated.

What does this mean for VCRC?

Great news—we can all be together in one room to worship, we can sing our hearts out, and we no longer need to pre-register for any of our worship services! (Can we get an Amen?!) Having said that, summer worship and tech teams volunteers are limited, and we want to reopen the building in ways that make everyone feel comfortable. So, summer worship at VCRC will still be a bit out of the ordinary.

Transitional Sundays

There are a lot of VCRC folk still only partially immunized. Thus, for July…

We are asking that we stick to elbow bumps or head nods instead of handshakes and continue to physical distance. Every second pew remains roped off for now so ‘we don’t clump!’ Downstairs washrooms are now open. Please continue rigorous personal hygiene practices in the building (hand sanitizer stations are still in place).

Both federal and provincial health authorities continue to recommend mask wearing indoors at larger gatherings. Adults and kids 12+ let’s continue to wear masks in the building for now – especially while singing. Outside is the best place to take off masks and socialize!

You will also notice signs in the sanctuary that encourage us to accommodate those among us who are feeling vulnerable to attend but still longing to be in the sanctuary in person. Let’s temporarily reserve the pews on the organ side for them. Families with kids under 12 and others who are not yet fully vaccinated, would you please sit in the pews on the piano side? If you are fully vaccinated (i.e. 14 days after your second dose of a vaccine) – please sit anywhere.

No children’s programming or supervised nursery will be available until the Fall – except for July 18 when we plan to have a kid-friendly worship day outside. Live streamed services will continue most Sunday mornings; our plans for July 18, August 1 and August 29 are likely to be creative since most of our tech folks are away.

The offering plate and basket will be available as you exit the sanctuary, as ‘passing the plate’ is a germ-spreading exercise we will be avoiding for quite some time to come.

Thanks so much for your patience and flexibility! We can’t wait to see and hear you soon! But as always, if you are not feeling well (even if you are full vaccinated), please care for others by choosing to worship from home until you are healthy.

Grace and peace to you and yours! The Building Re-Opening Action Team

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