We believe that each member “should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.” 1 Peter 4:10-11
KID'S WORSHIP: We love having kids worshipping with us. Children are always welcome to stay with their families in the church sanctuary at any time.
Children’s Bulletins and crayons for colouring are available most Sundays at the Visitors’ Welcome Centre before you enter the sanctuary.

We have a staffed nursery / toddler room downstairs at the end of the hallway with toys, cribs and change table. (Volunteers are trained in Safe Church policies and procedures.) It even has a PA system to listen to what's happening in the sanctuary if you’d prefer to stay with your baby.

Sunday School
On alternate Sundays, we offer Sunday School for kids 3-11 years old downstairs. Children begin upstairs with the full congregation and are invited to Sunday School before the sermon.

Sanctuary Craft Table
On Sundays without Sunday School, we set up a small table with crafts for the kids to enjoy during the sermon. Parents are encouraged to sit near the craft table so that children can move back and forth if they wish.

Middle School Youth Group
(Grade 6 – 8)
In 2024 middle school youth group activities are on hiatus. We look forward to restarting youth group when staff/volunteers and students are here.

Youth Group
(Grade 9 – 12)
In 2022 senior youth were part of an active mentorship program - paired with an adult at VCRC - and connected for Bible Study and pizza nights. Previous to that we had a part-time Youth Coordinator on staff. We look forward to at a future at VCRC that includes this ministry again!

Young Adults
Post-secondary students and young in their careers supporting each other in faith formation, educational and career pursuits. Gathering informally as attendance ebbs and flows for coffee, Bible study, or local adventures - including weekly Sunday night Intermediate Volleyball for players/spectators.

Senior's Coffee Hour
Seniors from VCRC and our sister congregation (CCC) meeting downstairs in the Fellowship Hall the third Monday of each month for faith engagement (prayer, devotions), social connection (coffee), and mutal support. Coffee is provided. Everyone is welcome!

Small Groups
There are small group opportunities at VCRC for those wanting to engage in Bible study, book study, thematic study, men's group, women's group, etc. Elders Case & Corry DeBoef are Council's Small Group Coordinators. Email the church office if you'd like to learn more or be connected with an active small group.

Membership Class
An opportunity to learn more about faith and life in Jesus Christ and what 'Christian Reformed' means. Scheduled as there is interest. Connect with an Elder to learn more by emailing the church office.

Women's Coffee Break
Currently on hiatus. An all-ages women’s introductory Bible study, prayer and community time.

Many Volunteers!
The Worship Committee, Social Committee, Visual Design Team, Counting Committee, Admin Committee, Librarians, Media, Sound and Livestream Techs are just some of the many volunteer opportunities for ministry and service here at VCRC.