Sunday School at VCRC has re-booted as “Gym Sunday”
Details you need to know…
Where & when:
9:50 AM at the PCS Elementary gymnasium right next to the church.
stories, toys, and maybe a couple of crafts. Kitty Cat video, too!
Gym Rules:
Since it is in the PCS gym, they have some rules to follow.
~ Indoor Shoes or Socks only please
~ If you bring a toy to play with, please make sure it has not been used outside at all as we don’t want to scratch the floor
~ No juice / food is permitted in the gym. Water bottles are fine.
Public Health & COVID Safety Plan Requirements:
~ Children under 5 do not need to wear a mask
~ Children 5 and up need to wear masks.
~ Children age 12+, and all parents/volunteers inside the gym must be double vaccinated and wear a mask.
Keep Your Coat On:
Some doors will be open to help with air flow, so please bring an extra layer or keep your coat on.
Future Dates:
We are meeting Sunday, February 27th with future dates TBA. Though Gym Sunday won’t be happening every week, remember that kids are very welcome during services in the sanctuary. If you have any questions, let Children & Youth Elder Hilary know! ([email protected])