What is
We are a Christian church. We believe in God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe that God created the world, that He sustains the world, and that He saved it (and us!) through the death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ. We believe that after Jesus rose from the dead, he ascended into heaven and that one day He will return to make things right and new. We also believe that Jesus is present to us now through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit unites us with Jesus, and, like a loving parent, nurtures us to become mature members of Christ’s body and kingdom.
We are a Christian church in the Reformed tradition. We believe that salvation comes to us by grace alone through faith, and that it cannot be bought or earned. We also believe that the Bible is reliable and can be trusted to teach us what we need to know about God, salvation, and life in this world. There is a lot to say about what it means to be reformed. But at its core, it is a world and life view that emphasizes the glory of God in and through all things, the sovereignty of God over all things, and sacredness of all of life.